Your Magnetic Energy
About The Author
Dan brings to each of his books his 40 plus years of lived experience as a business entrepreneur and employer. During which time, side by side with his professional career and active family life, he was also a leader in his church as an Ordained Deacon. At the time of his retirement, Dan was the president of a regional real estate development company with sales that exceeded $80,000,00.00. Following his retirement from business, he followed his calling into full-time ministry where he served his local parish in several different ministries. After which he felt a calling to serve as an Ordained Chaplain at a local regional hospital. Here he became dual certified by the American Institute of Health Care Professionals as a Thanatologist and Grief Counselor with a focus on Anticipatory Grief. With this specialty, he was assigned as a member of the Palliative Care Team, which also included care for patients in the Intensive Care Unit and the Regional Cancer Center.
Dan Is also active in his community by serving 12 years on the Archdiocesan Diaconal Vocational & Formation Board; Two terms as a gubernatorial appointee with Senate confirmation to the State of Iowa Criminal & Juvenile Justice Commission; Four year appointment as the Catholic Chaplain to the local County Jail; Twelve years as a City council appointed Chaplain for the Cedar Rapids Police Department; and an eight-year member of the regional Critical Incident Stress Management Team. In 1991 the state’s second-largest News Paper ran a 1/2 page feature article on Dan entitled “A Capitalist and a Chaplain.”