Women’s/commercial fiction/young adult fiction are some of the general audience genres represented by Langtons International Agency.

Women’s fiction is typically written by women, but not always. These books are female focused and include a variety of plot lines. Romance books are also included in this category of women’s fiction. These books are usually lighthearted, fun, and focus on a female character and her relationships and are often written in series.

Commercial fiction represents a broad variety of categories and are typically standalone novels that do not fall under the other categories of genre fiction. Commercial fiction appeals to a large audience, and tell relatable stories of family, friends, work, and other aspects of everyday life.

Young adult fiction is the only category of “children’s” literature represented by Langtons International agency. This genre is typically targeted to an audience with an age range of 12-19 years. This includes coming of age novels, school stories, and series. Young adult fiction tackles topics pertaining to teenagers, and often have a less literary, more casual style of writing.  We often find these are written in series format.

Examples of women’s/commercial fiction/young adult fiction represented by Langtons International Agency. The Spa at Lavender Lane by Phyllis Melhado (BlackRose Writing). Marriage Made Me Do It by Ashley Fontaine (HarperCollins). Kat and Maus by Brad Chisholm and Claire Kim (BlackRose Writing). Melissa and Kasho by Camilla Chance (Austin McCauley).

Central Park South Publishing specializes in women’s/commercial fiction/young adult fiction.  A Vanishing in Greenwich Village by Elisabeth Amaral. A Suitable Necklace by Kim Akhtar. A Moment in Time by Natalia Lazarus