Featured books are books that have been represented by Langtons International Agency that are being given special presentation or priority for a variety of reasons. Featured books could be ones that are best-sellers, are soon to be released, received a good contract or advance from a publisher. We may also feature a book if it is being option for film rights, or if the author is writing a series.

Featured books are putting the highest quality, most popular books at the forefront of the company, to show the best examples of our work.

Examples of featured books include Art in the Blood by Bonnie MacBird, Unquiet Spirits by Bonnie MacBird, and The Devil’s Due by Bonnie MacBird. All three books are part of the best-selling Sherlock Holmes series, which is sold internationally. Trumbo by Bruce Cook, which has been adapted into a film featuring Bryan Cranston and Helen Mirren. Power Your Profits by Susie Carder which received a six figure advance. The Miracle Ball Method by Elaine Petrone, a re-printing of a best-selling health/exercise guide.